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The Spine ramp is (almost) finished!


At the first Skate Committee meeting the group of young skaters had a modest budget to spend on a new obstacle. The group took suggestions and voted on which they thought would be the most fun, and a micro spine was decided on.

(There's lots of names for the different types of ramps in Skateboarding. A spine ramp is usually where two transition ramps meet back to back, and they either share the same coping rail or there's two coping rails butted up against each other. This means skaters and other wheeled sport riders can transfer from one to other in a number of creative and challenging ways)

We had a bit of trouble finding a company to make one for us, as the price of materials has skyrocket-ted many ramp building companies have mothballed or were just asking too much £££ for our budget. So we did it ourselves!

Young people helped design the ramp, deciding how whippy they wanted it to feel, and got to cutting the wood too! We've ordered the metal parts from our friends at Bristol Welding but for now have "repurposed/borrowed" some kick plates from the doors in the youth centre and used some off-cuts of lumber for coping, and last night was the first session on it!

This means that we can also announce the date for our 1st Birthday skate jam will be Monday June 6th from 4:30pm! We ho

ping to see some great skating, fun and laughter and give away some great prizes!

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