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July Update!

Updated: Aug 7

As you'd expect with an indoor skatepark in the summer our sessions get a bit quieter... But the staff don't! We usually step things up a bit, running trips, residentials and planning new projects. Here's some on what happened in July:

TBS Road Trip: Newquay!

The Boarding School packed up and went camping for 2 nights in Newquay! Day 1 was our long drive down, set up camp, get the BBQ lit and get some good sleep for the massive days ahead... Only at about 11pm a storm rolled in, flattened all the tents ("turns out guide ropes are quite important" ~ Ben) turned the gazebo into a dead spider (imagine upside down, legs in the air) and soaked us all!

Day2 started with sunshine, semi-full English and couple of hours surfing with The Cornish Wave on Newquay beach. This was followed by Fish & Chips at a legendary bench spot before heading to Concrete Waves. Showers meant there was a bit of running to the bus to take shelter, but it kept drying up until it was time to head to Mount Hawke!

Day3 was pack up and hit the road again. The group decided Truro was first on the hit list. So many stair sets, ledges and banks, it's street skate heaven (if you like that sort of thing)!? After a quick bit of lunch we headed up to Bodmin to get some tricks over the hip and skate the bowl there. Aaaaand then finally the plan was to skate Bridgewater... but in keeping with the weekend's theme the heavens opened one final time and washed out those plans, I think we were all pretty tired at this point and happy to head on home for some food, grab a proper shower and have some rest! Phew what a few days!

Also in July!

We had Freddie join us for work experience week. Freddie got to learn the ropes of what it is to be a youth worker and run the centre, but also set to work on his own project: asking young people what the next big build project should be. After totting up the results, it was decided it should be a hip (two flat banks at a slight angle from each other). We built a full scale folding prototype, but couldn't make it strong enough so Freddie finished the week by writing an application to Wikes for some building materials, fingers crossed!

We also had Billy make us this amazing mini board. using some unwanted penny board trucks and an old TBS board cut down to size using a jigsaw (& under Ben's careful supervision). It was fun to skate, and another additional to our quiver of unusual skateboards for anyone to try: The monster trucks board, The Truckie, and The wobbly board aka surf skate.

NB: Shame it only lasted one session before the truck snapped! Does anyone have a penny board they don't want???

Should we try and make one of these next?

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